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Building Resilient Kids: Four Easy Steps to Help Children Thrive in Challenging Times

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Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Posted in Mind Align,Mind Align Child Therapy | Posted by Priti Parekh

As parents, we all want our children to grow up strong, adaptable, and able to weather life’s storms. Resilience – the ability to bounce back from adversity – is a critical skill that can be nurtured and developed. In these uncertain times, equipping our kids with resilience is more important than ever.

Through proven techniques and strategies, we can empower our children to face challenges head-on and emerge stronger. From fostering a growth mindset to teaching coping mechanisms, there are concrete steps we can take to build resilience.

Cultivating resilience starts with modeling it ourselves. When our kids see us handling stress with poise, they learn that difficulties are temporary and surmountable. Encouraging them to problem-solve, take healthy risks, and reframe setbacks as opportunities will reinforce this invaluable mindset.

Additionally, building a strong support network – whether through family, friends, or community – gives children a safe space to express emotions and gain perspective. Resilient kids know they are not alone, which bolsters their ability to bounce back.

With the right tools and guidance, we can raise children who are equipped to navigate life’s challenges. By investing in their resilience today, we set them up for success tomorrow.

Here’s what you can do if your child is about to have a melt down!

Step 1

Listen and acknowledge what your child is experiencing rather than jumping in to save them by taking over and doing it for them. Although your interjection is of course from a place of love, this ensures that your child feels heard and knows that you understand the challenge/s they are facing and that you’re there to support them.    

Step 2 

Offer your help and emotional support perhaps by giving them an example of a time when you experienced something similar. Let them know that you can both discuss ways of moving forward and that you can facilitate but not do it for them otherwise that would be cheating them of an opportunity to accept, learn and grow from this. 

Step 3 

Encourage your child to try again and go for it even if they fail again. Children need to understand that it is perfectly okay, even when it is difficult, to fall and pick themselves up. They should understand that it is all within the process of growing, learning and being their best selves. Give them examples of famous artists and or other successful people that they can resonate with, that failed but continued their journeys with determination and grit. Practice, practice, and more practice is what they need to overcome their challenges and enable self mastery!     

Step 4 

Give them time and space to practice and get on with it while you keep a watchful encouraging eye! Remind them to focus on the goal in increments of success (taking smaller bites) rather than trying to do the whole thing at once. Give them lots of praise (although this must be sincere and timely) for example, “I knew all along you could do this, you just needed to find out for yourself didn’t you..”.

If you would like to read more about children’s resilience, you might like the following book;

The Optimistic Child by Martin Seligman 

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