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  • group of children pulling brown rope

    Building Resilient Kids: Four Easy Steps to Help Children Thrive in Challenging Times

    Posted in Mind Align

    Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
    Written by Priti Parekh

  • Mastering Behaviour Change

    Posted in Mind Align

    Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
    Written by Priti Parekh

  • Eight Reasons why you may be resistant to having therapy

    Posted in Mind Align

    Monday, January 23rd, 2023
    Written by Priti Parekh

  • Welcome To Your Own Internal CPU

    Posted in Mind Align

    Wednesday, January 11th, 2023
    Written by Priti Parekh

  • Stability from certainty

    Posted in Mind Align

    Monday, May 10th, 2021
    Written by Priti Parekh